Kansas City Royals Uniform History 1969-2006
Click to view: 2007-present
After losing the A's to Oakland in 1968, baseball quickly returns to Kansas City with the 1969 expansion Royals. The new stadium was well underway, as it had been approved for the Athletics which left the city for Oakland regardless. The team's classic first logo has hardly changed. Jersey and cap modifications have been minimal over the years.
Wilson, Spalding & Rawlings (home), Rawlings (road)
MLB 100th anniversary patch on left sleeve (has been taken off most of these ones).
Logo patch added to left sleeve (I believe it was during the season). Cap serifs are smaller.
The road jersey wordmark changes to block, and the jersey color becomes blue mist. Cap serifs are wider again.
The Royals adopt double knit pullovers. Road jersey becomes powder blue.
Cap logo loses the large serifs.
NOB added to both jerseys.
Return to button downs. "Royals" script replaces the city name on the road jersey.
Sleeve trim gets much thinner.
Rawlings, Wilson (custom)
The team uses Rawlings jerseys, though some players prefer and keep using Wilson.
A nameplate was added later here; NOB letters were in fact sewn directly on.
Here's a custom Wilson.
Road jerseys change to grey.
Russell Athletic
25th anniversary path worn in 1993.
A blue alternate with "Royals" script introduced.
Russell Athletic
MLB 125th anniversary patch worn in 1994.
Showing two different jerseys here.

Road jersey script changes to "KANSAS CITY". Sleeve trim is now a single blue stripe. NOB is now on a nameplate. Grey alternate cap worn with road jerseys 1995-99.
Russell Athletic
Grey alternate cap dropped after 1999.
Russell Athletic
AL Centennial patch worn in 2001.
Here comes the black. Black drop shadow added on home jersey. Road shirt changes to a vest with black undershirt, black shadow is added to lettering, and it's worn with a black-crowned cap. New sleeve patch on the road jersey (worn on the undershirt) and blue alternate. Sleeve trim dropped from the blue alternate. Blue alternate now worn only at home. Lastly, a black alternate road jersey is introduced. Number font changed on all sets.
Russell Athletic
Home jersey changed to a vest worn with a blue undershirt. The team gets Majestic jerseys for 2004 but I see a lot of Russell Athletic jerseys that were issued in 2004.
Russell Athletic (home), Majestic (road)
Majestic (home, road), Russell Athletic (road alternate)
Home and road jerseys return to sleeved shirts, and black trim is dropped. The black crown cap is dropped. Black road alternate jersey script changes to "Kansas City", front piping is dropped and sleeve patch changed. Blue home alternate gets sleeve trim, and on the sleeve patch gold replaces black.